In addition to WhyNotWin11, there is now a similar tool from Belim called Moin11. A proper name, right? This tool also checks if your computer is compatible with Windows 11 according to the information provided so far.
We already know many of the little gadgets from Builtbybel. Be it CleanmgrPlus, Privatezilla and many more.
Moin11 is also portable and checks individual components after starting. Then the evaluation is displayed in the window. It’s not as fancy as WhyNotWin11, but it can happen. Also through the Moin11 window, TPM.exe opens, showing an overview of the module.
For example, if you have a red cross in the information, you just need to move the mouse and you will receive information about why an error appears there. The tool then also creates a dxv.xml file in the folder with various information that can be evaluated but does not have to be.
Moin11 will certainly not give a better rating than other tools. It remains incompatible incompatible. Although you have to wait for the fall first when Windows 11 appears as the final version for everyone.
Information and download:
Thanks to Manu and Andreas for the tip.