Meloni can become the new Italy experience

Meloni can become the new Italy experience

JEugia Meloni looks everywhere except for the audience. She presses the microphone stand as if she doesn’t know what to do with her hands. Sometimes she muttered as if she was talking to herself. Suddenly she had to get off the wobbly platform all of a sudden to keep her balance. It was placed in front of her so that she would not disappear behind the desk, 1.63 meters high. Meloni doesn’t stand out against your usual fan base. The politician, who likes to be counted among the populists of the Italian party spectrum, speaks in a darkroom in front of the Confcommercio at the Business Confederation on this sunny September day. ROM.

As her speech progresses, Meloni feels the warmth of her audience. She sings phrases such as: “In this country, representatives of business often have clearer ideas than the political class.” Mario Draghi by 116 billion euros. She criticized “out of control globalization, free trade without rules”, responsible for the fact that authoritarian regimes weaken us economically, especially China. What was not mentioned is that many Italian car suppliers are benefiting from the strong Chinese business of German car manufacturers. Meloni prefers to use simple slogans: “We no longer control anything – ‘No’.”


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