Home entertainment Mayer Landrut with Mark Forster Post: Is Lena making her love official here? – People

Mayer Landrut with Mark Forster Post: Is Lena making her love official here? – People

Mayer Landrut with Mark Forster Post: Is Lena making her love official here?  – People

This will be the entire big heart number!

There has already been widespread coverage of the love of pop stars Lena Meyer Landrut (30) and Marc Forster (38). Only the two have yet to officially comment on the relationship. This is why this news is so surprising:

Lena shared a teaser on Mark’s new “The Knights” video on Instagram – and outfitted the post with three heart-shaped emojis.

Lina withdrew from the public for a long time, turned her Instagram page upside down and deleted the old photos.

New life, new Lenny, new love?

Why Mark Forster earned a spot on Lena’s Instagram account (3.9 million followers) is up to the imagination of the fans. It is clear that they see behind her more …

One fan posts the phrase “Love, Love, Love.” Or: “Lena, you two are so cute together.” And: “Oh my God, that’s not really happening now.” “The farmer is looking for a wife,” even candidate Anna Heizer says: “The greatest couple in Germany!”

According to the information BILD has Lena and Mark To have a son in January. At the same time, it became known that the alleged spouses had to agree in a small circle in 2020.

When asked about BILD, they both always kept a low profile. Her attorney directed the children’s news: “As with all private matters, my client will not comment on this.”

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