Mark Terenzi and Jenny Elvers: Love Away! Since when did they break up | entertainment

Mark Terenzi and Jenny Elvers: Love Away!  Since when did they break up |  entertainment

She was still hoping he didn’t want that anymore.

TV star Jenny Elvers (50) and pop singer Mark Terenzi (44) fell in love while filming SAT 1 “Club of Good Moods” in January. Now the good mood is gone! Bild knows: the couple broke up!

Terenzi Bild confirms the love: “We broke up weeks ago. But I want to support them, so I kept quiet. The last few weeks have not been easy.”

Jenny Elvers (left) and Mark Terenzi (right) fell in love with the TV group

Jenny Elvers (left) and Mark Terenzi (right) fell in love with the TV group “Club der Gute Mood” in January. But then it became more difficult for the couple

Photo: SAT.1

Because it’s already in May BILD reported a serious crisis. Elvers celebrated her fiftieth birthday without “Hasi” in northern Germany with family and friends. The singer allowed her to rip in Mallorca.

They haven’t spent his birthday together in a few days either. However, Elvers has stuck with the relationship for a long time.

“It was a good decision to end it so that everyone could better deal with their personal situation,” Terenzi now says. and what? “We love each other and talk to each other.”

It is unclear if Elvers shares this view of the end of the relationship. When Bild asked her, she just said, “No comment!”


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