Let’s Dance: Lola Webert shows a lot of bare skin and a message

Lola Webert dancing during RTL

Lola Weippert posted a special post on Instagram. The photo shows her in May 2021 on the RTL show “Let’s Dance”.

Curator Lola Weippert posted a special Instagram post. In it, she only shows herself in bikini panties and wants to spread an important message with that.

“Love Island”, “Das Supertalent”, “Prince Charming”, “Temptation Island” – Lola Webert (25 years old) actually stood in front of the camera as the presenter of all these TV formats. She danced in 2021 as a candidate in “Let’s Dance” on the RTL floor, and is currently training at RTL Turmspingen.

Not surprisingly, the 25-year-old has built such a huge fan base on Instagram with all these activities. 465,000 subscribers (as of May 19, 2022) follow the radio and television broadcaster there and are taken throughout daily life and are regularly provided with new publications. Colorful, extravagant, sexy, elegant – Weippert brings all these aspects into its profile.

The former Let’s Dance nominee inspires fans to post on Instagram

However, your last post has it all. For a sexy photo in which the blonde shows a lot of bare skin, she posts a long text with a very strong message.

The first thing that catches your eye is a shot of Weippert’s athletic downside: Under a bright blue sky, she presents herself from behind at the pool – wearing nothing but a pair of bikini bottoms. Otherwise, she is naked. Her left chest is shaded, and she plays with her hands in her hair tied into a ponytail.

but that is not all. Because: The sixth-place finisher “Let’s Dance” wrote a script with an important message.

In it, she’s referring to a saying she’s heard often. “If you show yourself like this, you should not be surprised that …” – for this sentence, which according to her experience can end differently, she then reveals her opinion.

“No matter what I wear, there is no dress in this world that justifies assault. Whether verbally or physically. We have come to an era where we talk a lot about liberation. And yes, it does get better. But it certainly hasn’t made it to everyone yet. Even if I showed myself in a bikini on Instagram, I can still be a professional, serious and good presenter.”

‘Let’s Dance’: Lola Weippert shares an urgent message on Instagram

She goes on to explain, “I’m not in my place because I post pictures like this. I worked hard for my job. So why do I post pictures like this? So simple, why not?”

She asks for less judgment and appeal to women in particular: “Please let’s accept each other and motivate and support each other instead of judging and tearing our mouths at each other. Unfortunately, I still often notice that women don’t see each other as sisters, but as a competition.”

Her message: “We achieve so much more when we support, empower, and defend each other. Let us fight together for each other and not against each other.”

Applause praised this statement in the comment column. Writer Louisa Dillert (32), for example, wrote: “The text is appropriate! Thank you.” (Ra)


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