Home Top News League Two: St. Pauli: 15,000 fans and 2G referee for the next home game

League Two: St. Pauli: 15,000 fans and 2G referee for the next home game

League Two: St. Pauli: 15,000 fans and 2G referee for the next home game

Deir FC Street

Pauli’s next match will be at home in 2. German Football League She is allowed to compete in front of 15,000 fans.

Sunday (1.30 pm / sky) against Ingolstadt The association announced that the 2G base will be introduced after consultation with the Hamburg authorities. This means that only those who have been vaccinated and who have tested positive are allowed to enter Millerntor Stadium. No solution has been found for people who cannot be vaccinated with the authorities.

Millerntor Stadium has just under 30,000 fans. In the last home match on August 29 against Jan Regensburg only 1,003 spectators were allowed.

“We did not take this easy decision,” said president Oke Gotlich, according to the club’s announcement. Above all, he lamented that people who are not vaccinated with a certificate cannot enter the stadium. “Because it is wrong to exclude people who cannot be vaccinated,” he said, “it remains a pilot project of great interest, also for regulators in the region.”

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210913-99-206113 / 2 (dpa)

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