Lass reveals his financial situation with Sherine David Weffler

Lass reveals his financial situation with Sherine David Weffler

A few hours ago, Laas posted an XXL statement to Fler. In it he settles scores with his ex-boyfriend and explains the background to his defection. Only a short time later, the 40-year-old followed up again and he answered the accusation that Sherine David and her manager would take advantage of him. Instead, he is now talking about the financial side of his business.

Lass was and remains a co-writer for both Fler and Shirin. Together with both artists, he worked on their latest releases. According to the foundations, the bonus for Shireen David is several times higher than that of Flair. According to his testimony, all the profits he received from Fler correspond to one gift he received from Shireen.

Only since he was working with her has he been able to live tidying up, paying bills and being able to buy an apartment. Something he allegedly had problems with as a writer for Fler. He also addresses the topic of support and accuses Fler of not having good faith with him at all, contrary to his statement.

When he was still working with Fler, there was only one advantage. According to Laas, there were no cues or other forms of support like showing up at Pro7, unlike Shireen, who made such things possible for him. Finally, the rapper goes to a meeting when he is signed with EGJ. There he and Feller shook hands and decided there were no problems.

Vegas on the situation in flair

“I didn’t have a feature in our first collaboration, ‘Nobody gets along with me’. I wasn’t in the videos. In our second collaboration ‘Because the Road Don’t Forget’ I didn’t have a feature. I wasn’t in the videos. There was no fler feature on my album ‘Daemon'” From 2016. Nor has he ever published or pushed the album or two videos of him anywhere.

eHe has publicly belittled me on numerous occasions since then. What kind of support is it supposed to be? Then I got an advantage on Vibe. My according to Fler’s [Meinung] Best part of all do we really want to talk about that “give” and real support? I won’t start with the financial situations here, but it seems he doesn’t want it any other way. Let’s go.”

About the situation in Shireen David

“My birthday gift from Shireen alone exceeds everything I’ve earned at Fler in three years. Let’s not even talk about Gema and all the other payments. Unfortunately, you don’t play Decca at that level. With Juicy Money I bill and transfer my money directly. At Fler’s , I had to go to his house several times for 500° C because he hadn’t been able to make a transfer for months.(…)

After a long time, I got a nice apartment again and I don’t have a headache because of the open bills. If you like, I immediately go shopping in Kudam. Something I couldn’t stand even remotely in my life. In addition, we became friends. Something that’s hard to achieve with you unfortunately.”

Vegas about meeting Flair


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