Home science It’s the end of the holiday mask for schoolchildren returning from vacation

It’s the end of the holiday mask for schoolchildren returning from vacation

It’s the end of the holiday mask for schoolchildren returning from vacation

This Monday is the end of the vacation for schoolchildren in Zone B For them, this start of the school year will above all be synonymous with many reductions in sanitary measures. Thanks to the Omicron wave’s dip, it’s already the end of the masks in the field. Parents will no longer be forced to fill out self-test data with an oath. Finally, students will now be able to mingle more widely with classmates of their own level and not just with their classmates.

The health protocol goes from level 3 to level 2 in primary schools (nursery and primary) after the winter break in different regions (February 21 for area B, February 28 for A, March 7 for school C). The first to return were the schoolchildren of the Strasbourg Academies, Nancy Metz, Reims, Lille, Amiens, Rouen, Caen, Rennes, Nantes, Orléans Tours, Nice and Aix-Marseille. Colleges and high schools remain at Level 2.

One test of contacts

According to this level, “students can be divided into a class commensurate with their level in the absence of their teacher,” as the ministry writes in Frequently Asked Questions updated on its website. In the canteen, “the stability of the groups is sought and, as far as possible, the same pupils have lunch daily at the same table on the first level. It is recommended to organize individual service (trays, cutlery, water, serving on the plate or on the tray). In addition, “it is necessary first of all to organize meetings with parents of students according to the scheduling system, to avoid too many people mingling together.”

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Finally, the rules for exams will also be relaxed, but within a week. As of February 28, Connection students won’t have to do three, but only have to do one after two days. This relaxation will concern all contacts in the population.

Jean-Michel Blanquer also recently mentioned the end of the mask hypothesis in the chapter. According to the Minister of Education, children are “very likely” to be able to remove it “before the end of the school year”.


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