Is the hospital near you a good health care facility? Take the test!

Is the hospital near you a good health care facility?  Take the test!

Are patients satisfied with their care? Do they recommend a clinic or hospital near you? Are there many complications after the operation? Are the meals and rooms attractive to the largest number of people? For more transparency, the High Authority for Health (HAS) launched a new service at the end of June: QualiScope. Target? Let everyone know more Quality level of all healthcare institutions in Francewhether public or private,” refers to HAS in a press release (Source 1).

What information can be found on QualiScope?

Qualiscope sets More than 4000 hospitals across France. They are straight It can be accessed via the map or via a search engine. By clicking on the institution of your choice, you will access its “Identity Sheet”, which provides “basic data to know and understand the quality level of hospitals and clinics”.

We can thus discover for each enterprise:

  • they Various sectors of activity (Oncology, surgery, obstetrics, pediatrics, intensive care, etc.)
  • . level Care Quality Certificateawarded every four years;
  • consequences Indicators of quality and safety of caremeasured each year by HAS;
  • Satisfaction rating from the national e-Satis survey, which was measured directly from people in hospitals;
  • Percentage of patients who would recommend the facility;
  • consequencesSafety indicatorsFor example, complications after hip or knee replacement.

An overall rating (score out of 100) is ultimately attributed to each institution, according to these criteria. It allows patients in the future to get an idea of ​​the quality of stay and care, but also for doctors to learn more about other institutions, to guide their patients and compare hospitals.

Note: The tool must remain Improve by January 2023with new indicators integrated online.

Patients also have their say

Certification level, quality level and safety of care are well measured by HAS, but Patient satisfaction and experience It is measured through questionnaires Completed by the main stakeholders after their stay.

How do I give my opinion in the hospital or clinic?

If you were recently admitted to a hospital or clinic and agreed to provide your email address, you will receive an email after discharge from the hospital. Contains a link to answer national survey i satis on a secure platform. The responses are anonymous and allow the HAS to calculate the score out of 100 to measure patient satisfaction and experience.

For example, for the Claude Horez Hospital at Lille University Hospital, the institution received a score of 81/100 based on the overall assessment of patients admitted for day surgery, including a score of 87/100 for satisfaction with care fees and a score of 74/100 for room satisfaction. And the meal. finally, 80.4% of inpatients would definitely recommend this facility.


© Qualiscope – HAS-CHU Lille, Claude Horez Hospital

Is a TripAdvisor hospital really a good idea?

“It is good to take the opinion of patients, but in a scientific way, and in a rational way, during an interview. And not on the basis of a questionnaire at the end of the hospital”, regrets Thierry Amoro, who contacted him Actuary (Source 1). A spokesperson for the National Federation of Nurses Professionals (SNPI) fears that patients will abandon certain institutions, at the expense of others, causing many problems:

In the hospital, the most important thing above all is proximity […] The danger is that patients will turn to the higher-rated institution, and we can think that it will be CHU, when there are already waiting lists all over the place. This may further delay waiting times.

For her part, Emmanuel Barra, Director of Communications at HAS ., also contacted Actuary He believes that “patients are still the best able to evaluate certain elements of their care”. “Obviously that’s what they see, but Only they can tell us if they have been well listened to, well informed, or if their privacy is respected… For us, it has real value.” And in conclusion: These opinions are “just an extra element” of the note, “It’s not the only thing we use.”


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