In the bag: Charles took millions in cash donations

In the bag: Charles took millions in cash donations

in The Bag

According to a media report, heir to the throne Prince Charles received millions of dollars in cash donations – stored in a briefcase and several suitcases – from Qatar to his foundation a few years ago.

The British newspaper The Times, citing internal sources, reported that the former Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim Al Thani handed Charles about three million euros in cash between 2011 and 2015. This was indirectly confirmed by the Charles Foundation.

Foundation confirms cash donations

It is said that a million were stored in a briefcase and other sums in shopping bags from a well-known luxury store. The Prince Charles Foundation – The Prince of Wales Charitable Trust – confirmed to the newspaper that the payments were made in cash at the donor’s request. The organization supports animal welfare projects and is committed to preserving Charles’ estate in Scotland.

In response to a question by the New York Times, a spokesman for Prince Charles confirmed that the money received had been transferred directly to the foundation. They took care of the correct treatment. According to the newspaper, there is no evidence that the payments may have been illegal.

Swipe delivery type

However, there are criticisms of the type of donation and delivery. When a government like Qatar wants to donate to a foundation, Alistair Graham, who once chaired the Public Standards Committee, said there are other ways to do so. He described the report as “really shocking” and incomprehensible. Initially there was no comment from Qatar.

Charles’ foundations already made headlines last year when there were allegations of corruption against the Prince’s foundation. Among other things, there were allegations that an organization offered a Saudi donor assistance in obtaining British citizenship.

According to the BBC, the foundation is cooperating with the authorities in these investigations. Prince Charles is said to have been unaware of the alleged offer of assistance in obtaining citizenship. Michael Fawcett, the foundation’s former close associate and chairman of its board, resigned in November after the allegations surfaced.


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