Home entertainment In church service: Prince Phillips trophies adorn the altar

In church service: Prince Phillips trophies adorn the altar

In church service: Prince Phillips trophies adorn the altar

Prince Philip (99) plans the funeral service to the smallest detail! Less than a week earlier, Prince Consort of Queen Elizabeth II (94) had died in Windsor in the presence of his wife. His funeral will take place today – although the Duke of Edinburgh carefully planned it before his death. Philip himself also chose the prizes that would decorate the altar.

daily Mail And many other British media reports that Philip himself chose the insignia to be affixed to cushions made especially for the occasion. These include medals and prizes awarded to him. It is also likely that various military orders and rewards would be displayed at the altar. It is said that Philip attached great importance to her – It is said that the badge meant the most to him.

Stephen Seagrave of the Knightly Orders Central Chancellery in London confirmed the opposite daily MailNot all Philips awards will be displayed: “The Duke of Edinburgh has won 61 awards and prizes from 53 different countries. But there is simply not enough space to display them all at the funeral.”

Prince Phillips Awards, April 2021 at St George’s Chapel
Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II in Fife, Scotland in July 2014
Prince Philip in October 2018
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