Hay Fever – You Can Forget These 5 Myths About Pollen Allergy

Hay Fever – You Can Forget These 5 Myths About Pollen Allergy

Pollen allergy

You can quickly forget these 5 myths about hay fever

Hay fever is on the rise again – and with it many half-truths. We explain five myths.


There are many legends about hay fever. We clean with the most popular.

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The temperatures in mid-February were very mild for that time of year. So already Hay fever season has begun. Also in the 20 min community some have pollen allergies and Share your best allergy tips here. We’ll tell you five myths about it that are best forgotten.

Myth 1: Sneezing and itchy, watery eyes – it’s hay fever

These symptoms are typical and often begin with hay fever. But there are also complaints such as inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, bad sleepConcentration disorders and general fatigue can occur. Sometimes, sufferers also complain of a limited sense of taste or that they can no longer hear well. In addition, eczema flare-ups can occur when someone suffers from neurodermatitis.

Other allergies — such as apples or nuts — associated with hay fever can also occur.

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You may suddenly develop an allergic reaction to certain foods. The reason for this is that there are similar protein structures in natural foods such as nuts or fruits. An apple, for example, can also trigger an allergic reaction in people who react to birch pollen. In this case one is talking about one cruise sensitivity.

Myth 2: Hay fever is more common in the country than in the city

Although there are more plants in the countryside, this claim is not true. Pollen load can also be significant in cities. In some cases, the pollen is more aggressive due to the higher concentration of fine particles. For example, birch pollen, along with fine, fine dust particles, releases more allergens than uncontaminated birch pollen in rural areas. By the way: above 1600 meters the air is practically pollen-free. Even in coastal areas and directly by the sea, allergy sufferers are usually symptom-free.

In the sea and mountains, the pollen load is usually low – and allergy sufferers can breathe deeply.

PIXELS / Sebastian Ari Wortman

Myth 3: Hay fever is annoying but harmless

That would be nice, but unfortunately it’s not true. Because hay fever can develop into allergic asthma, which is referred to as “floor change”. The risk of this is particularly high when preschool children have hay fever. Experts recommend that all sufferers, regardless of age, treat pollen allergy early and, above all, correctly – that is, with the help of a specialist.

Mythos 4: Hay fever is not new to adulthood

mistake. Hay fever can affect everyone, even in old age. However, most new cases do occur in children and adolescents. And there’s good news, too: Just as hay fever can suddenly strike, it can go away. Thus, spontaneous recovery from hay fever is possible. It is not yet known why the allergy suddenly disappeared.

Hay fever usually occurs in childhood – but even in adulthood you can suddenly develop an allergic reaction.

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Myth 5: Allergies disappear as a result of hypersensitivity

Unfortunately no. During the process of sensitization – also known as desensitization – the body slowly gets used to the allergen over a longer period of time. As a result, the immune system no longer reacts optimally when it comes into contact with an allergen. However, it is often only symptomatic relief and there is no guarantee of success. Treatment works best the earlier it is implemented. It can also prevent the development of asthma.

What is your experience with hay fever?

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