Chaotic weather in Mallorca: affected areas become disaster zones

Chaotic weather in Mallorca: affected areas become disaster zones
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iPhone: Nadia Zensmeester

Storm “Juliet” raged over the Balearic Islands until Wednesday. Now the government wants to declare the affected areas in particular disaster areas.

LA PALM – After Storm Juliet, which swept the popular holiday island of Mallorca through Wednesday (March 1), emergency services are still busy on Friday (March 3) to eliminate the damage it has caused. Previously, snow, storms and rain caused great chaos in many areas of Mallorca. Now the Balearic government is apparently trying to declare the most affected areas a disaster area.

Mallorca has requested the assistance of the UME military emergency unit to deal with the aftermath of the winter storm
Mallorca has requested the assistance of the UME military emergency unit to deal with the aftermath of the winter storm ‘Juliette’. © Clara Marges/dpa

Information about Mallorca Zeitung According to Prime Minister Francina Armengol, who announced during a visit to the emergency services in one of the affected areas, that the government submitted such a request to the central government in Madrid on Thursday. In general, communities and regions that receive “disaster area” status will be eligible for government assistance.

After “Juliet” storm on Mallorca: disaster areas must become disaster areas

Armengol himself was visiting the Serra de Tramuntana, a mountain range that is one of the worst devastated by storm “Juliet”. Among other things, it is said that most of the trees were uprooted there and the power supply was cut off in some places due to heavy snowfall. There are still a lot of people snowing.

And the storm raged
Storm “Juliet” raged over the Balearic Islands until Wednesday, then moved to Italy. © IMAGO / Augst / Eibner Press photo

The hardest hit communities also include Vilanites, Arta and Santani. According to the estimates of Mallorca Zeitung, the municipality of Capdepera should also be included with the resort of Cala Ratjada, which is popular in Germany.

“Juliet storm gloom”: the prime minister appeals to the population

An appeal from the Prime Minister made it clear that the Serra de Tramuntana still needed a lot of cleaning work and that the situation should not be underestimated. Therefore, residents should refrain from taking trips to the mountain range so that roads are not unnecessarily closed to emergency services. “They should be able to focus on their work. We don’t want to take risks,” Armengol was quoted as saying by Mallorca. However, many did not heed the call, and the prime minister continued to criticize him. As a result, “people must be saved because they are not able to follow the simplest Instructions”. (NZ)


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