Hackers attack Bushehr nuclear power plant – group demands demands

Hackers attack Bushehr nuclear power plant – group demands demands

Iranian authorities admit that hackers have stolen emails from a nuclear power plant. The group that is believed to be behind it is making clear demands on the regime.

On Sunday, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) confirmed media reports of a hacked attack on the Bushehr nuclear power plant. Accordingly, the hackers gained free access to the email traffic.

According to the ISNA news agency, the nuclear authority stated that the hackers should not have seized any confidential documents. The agency blamed “a particular country” for the attack, without giving further details. Iran has blamed arch-enemy Israel and the United States for past hacking attacks on facilities in the country.

A group calling for the release of prisoners

According to reports, the Iranian “Black Reward” group is behind the hacker attack. These demands the hacked information, including about Russia’s role in AKK Bushehr, and the release of people arrested in the regime’s critical protests in the past four weeks.

The Bushehr nuclear power plant in the port city of the same name on the Persian Gulf is a joint project between Iran and Russia. It is intended for civilian purposes and, according to official information, is intended mainly for the generation and supply of power to the southern provinces of Bushehr and Persia.


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