Home Top News Great Britain: Conservative Party wins a parliamentary seat in Labor stronghold Hartlepool

Great Britain: Conservative Party wins a parliamentary seat in Labor stronghold Hartlepool

Great Britain: Conservative Party wins a parliamentary seat in Labor stronghold Hartlepool

For the first time in decades, the British Conservative Party did Boris Johnson The House of Commons is a Labor mandate in the northeastern English city of Hartlepool. As the Election Commission announced Friday morning, Conservative Party candidate Jill Mortimer got twice the number of votes cast by her Labor rival Paul Williams.

The result in the Labor Party home was a test of the mood – a huge success for the conservatives. For Labor leader Keir Starmer, who has been in office for more than a year, the defeat is a major setback. It is also the Conservative Party’s first victory in Hartlepool since the constituency was established in 1974.

Johnson and Starmer were campaigning in Hartlepool

Both Johnson and Starmer traveled to the North Sea city with around 92,000 residents multiple times during the election campaign. By-elections became necessary because incumbent Labor MP Mike Hill resigned from his post over allegations of sexual assault.

About the composition of Parliament in London The election result has no effect. There are actually conservatives who have a clear majority.

at Great Britain Regional elections were also held Thursday Scotland And the Wells Takes place. A result is expected in Scotland on Saturday. The ruling Scottish National Party (SNP) is hoping to gain an absolute majority there in order to affirm its demand for a second independence referendum.

The election result is due to be announced in Wales on Friday. According to opinion polls, the ruling Social Democratic Workers’ Party led by Prime Minister Mark Drakeford has overtaken the Conservatives and the Blade Cymru party, which advocates the independence of part of the country.

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In England, in addition to city and county councils, new mayors have been appointed in many cities – including London. Results may be delayed until Sunday.


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