Home Top News German Sky Jumping Championship 2021: This is how you can see Team Sky Jumping DM at Oberhope

German Sky Jumping Championship 2021: This is how you can see Team Sky Jumping DM at Oberhope

German Sky Jumping Championship 2021: This is how you can see Team Sky Jumping DM at Oberhope

The wait for winter sports fans is over! The new ski season is in its early stages and promises to be more exciting than ever. Here you will find all the information about the German Ski Jumping Championship which will be held from 23rd to 24th October at Oberhope.

From October 23 to 24, 2021, the German Ski Jumping Championship will be held in Oberhof, Thuringia. All information is here.
Image: Image Alliance / dpa | Felix Coastal

The 2021/2022 winter sports season is in the early stages. In the German Championship Sky jumping In Duringia Oberhof. All information about schedules, departments, results and TV broadcasts can be found here.

At the German Championship Ski Jumping Oberhof / Cancerskrund

On Saturday, October 23, 2021, DSV (German Sky Association) invites ski enthusiasts to the Oberhope. The German Ski Jumping Championships will be held in Cancerskrund until October 24, 2021. All visitors are welcome – admission is free.

German Championship Ski Jumping Operahope: Schedule and Broadcast

Date Get started Paragraph / discipline Location Live broadcast
Saturday, October 23, 2021 3 p.m. Official training Oberhof (Conservative)
Saturday, October 23, 2021 4.15 pm Probedurkong Oberhof (Conservative)
Saturday, October 23, 2021 From 5.30pm First round of individual competitions (women / men) Oberhof (cancer surgeon) MDR-live-stream
Saturday, October 23, 2021 2nd round individual competitions (women / men) Oberhof (cancer surgeon) MDR-live-stream
Sunday, October 24, 2021 09.00 am Probedurkong Oberhof (Conservative)
Sunday, October 24, 2021 From 10.15am First round of team jump (women / men) Oberhof (Conservative) MDR-live-stream
Sunday, October 24, 2021 Team Jump 2nd Round (Women / Men) Oberhof (cancer surgeon) MDR-live-stream
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Watch Sky Jumping DM on OperaHop live and on TV

As announced by Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk, MDR broadcasts the German Championship Skiing from Operhope in a live stream. On Saturday, October 23, 2021, MDR will be live on the Sky Jumping Scene from 5.30pm. Excitement for women and men on Sunday, October 24, 2021 from 10.15am to 1.30pm. Live streams of MDR can be found here.

German Championship Ski Jumping: Oberhope Results

Find out how German ski professionals perform at the German Ski Jumping Championships at Oberhope.

+++ 23.10.2021: Geiger and Altas German champions in ski jumping +++

The Oberstorf pair of Carl Geiger and Katrina Altas won the title in individual events at the German Ski Jumping Championships. The 28-year-old Alcove overtook Stephen Lehey and Constantine Schmidt in the 105 and 107.5m jump opera on Saturday evening. In the women’s division, 25-year-old Altas (100.5 and 95.5 meters) overtook Julian Seford and Selena Friedak. Altas had a 35-point lead over the two followers. The team matches are in the program for the National Championship on Sunday. The World Cup winter begins in November.

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