Florida man: The New York Post mocks Donald Trump

Florida man: The New York Post mocks Donald Trump

“man from florida”
The New York Post mocks Donald Trump

Former US President Donald Trump is known for many things, but not for a small ego. After the defeat in the midterm elections, his former comrade announced that he was a nobody: Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post mocked Trump’s renewed candidacy for the presidency.

The right-wing New York Post responded with a bit of sarcasm to former US President Donald Trump’s renewal of the presidency. The newspaper, which is part of the Murdoch media empire, simply wrote “Florida man makes ad” at the bottom of its front page on Wednesday — and redirected its readers to page 26.

There he says in a short text full of irony: “Just 720 days before the next election, a retiree from Florida surprisingly announced Tuesday night that he’s running for president.” And “enthusiastic golfer Donald J. Trump” had declared “no political guru expected coming” at Mar-a-Lago, “his resort and library of classified documents.”

The New York Post alluded to the case involving classified documents Trump took home with him in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, after his stint in the White House. The newspaper also indicates that if Trump wins the 2024 elections, he will be 78 years old, which is the age of current President Joe Biden, the oldest president in US history, when he took office. “His cholesterol levels are unknown, but his favorite food is grilled steak with ketchup.”

Destroying former allies?

Trump announced Tuesday night in Mar-a-Lago that he would run again in the 2024 presidential election and would like to regain the White House. The announcement was expected. But it came at a time when right-wing populists were politically upset after Republicans’ poor showing in last week’s midterm elections.

Billionaire Rupert Murdoch’s conservative media outlets – as well as the New York Post including The Wall Street Journal and the conservative Fox News Channel – have already clearly distanced themselves from Trump after the midterm elections and view him as a “loser”. Republican appointees. I have reported very positively on Trump the past few years.

Observers didn’t miss the fact that Fox News repeatedly took off a live broadcast of Trump’s speech that lasted for more than an hour on Tuesday night and left their words in the moderators. Trump will have to win the Republican primary for the 2024 presidential nomination. Although the 76-year-old suffers from political illness, he remains very popular among conservative voters.


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