FBI raid reveals: Trump piled up a secret paper on Iran’s nuclear program | Policy

FBI raid reveals: Trump piled up a secret paper on Iran’s nuclear program |  Policy

Revealed after the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago |

Trump Stored Secret Papers About Iran’s Nuclear Program

New Insights About Secret Documents In The Trump Property!

According to consistent US media reports, former US President Donald Trump (76 years old) is said to have illegally stored top-secret documents on China and Iran in his Mar-a-Lago private home.

According to the Washington Post, at least one document described Iran’s missile program. W: Other documents describing “top secret intelligence work” on China. Accordingly, the documents provide insights into the intelligence tactics the United States wants to hide from the rest of the world.

Some experts worry: Papers at Trump’s home could endanger whistleblowers if they fall into the wrong hands.

The FBI searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida in early August. According to the latest information, a total of about 13,000 documents of almost 22,000 pages were confiscated – about 100 of them are classified documents. The search erupted due to a rift between Trump and the National Archives, which manages documents from presidents. I’ve been trying for months to get papers from Trump from his tenure.

Midterm elections and summons

For Trump, these media reports come at a bad time: Two weeks before the important midterm elections, he’s trying to rally voters for his policies and the politicians he supports!

Another problem for the former president: He was summoned by the commission investigating the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. Trump is scheduled to hand the documents by November 4 and be available for questioning for several days under oath from November 14.

Trump is unlikely to comply with this subpoena. The House can then report it to the Department of Justice for contempt of Congress. The result: a long process. Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon (68). About recently convicted and will be imprisoned for four months.

In his first reaction last week, Trump did not comment on whether he wanted to comply with the subpoena, but only criticized the time the subpoena was too late. At the same time, he repeated his allegations, which were refuted by many courts, about “mass fraud” in the presidential elections – “the reason for what happened on January 6”.

But the committee’s time is running out. The catch: President Joe Biden’s (79) Democrats are likely to lose their majority in the House of Representatives to Trump’s Republicans in the November 8 congressional elections. This should be completed quickly by the commission of inquiry at the start of the new parliamentary year in January.


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