Home Top News Europe yearns for faster forces. The United States also wants to get involved

Europe yearns for faster forces. The United States also wants to get involved


March 4, 2021 20:19

The Americans believe that the Dutch-led plan will help reduce bureaucracy and reduce the associated bureaucracy and strengthen the infrastructure needed to defend the Euro-Atlantic region, which it has long been involved in.

All 25 EU leaders are part of the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) initiative, which aims to enhance security cooperation among EU members and include a plan to enhance the strategic mobility of the forces. Previously, Pesco (especially in the United States) felt inconsistent. Thanks to a new agreement within Pesco that will allow other countries, such as the United States or the United Kingdom, to engage in individual initiatives, it will be possible to strengthen cooperation between the European Union, the United States and NATO.

According to the Pentagon, the request to participate in this program is “not only in line with NATO’s mission, but also as a first step towards further cooperation in Pesco projects or other EU security efforts.” For further cooperation on common security goals, Pentagon spokeswoman Jessica Maxwell said.

Source: Security News (USA)

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