Home Top News England: The handwriting is so bad! Bank robbers to fight back without looting – Overseas News

England: The handwriting is so bad! Bank robbers to fight back without looting – Overseas News

England: The handwriting is so bad!  Bank robbers to fight back without looting – Overseas News

Alan Slattery (67) probably didn’t want to miss the big words in his attempted bank robbery. So the gangster wrote his instructions on a piece of paper and shoved them over a bank counter in Eastbourne, southeast England. Just stupid: no one could decipher a pig’s claw – and Slattery had to leave again without prey.

As Sussex County police announced, Slattery had already gone to the bank in March to rob the bank by slipping method. But his handwriting was very poor.

Bank employees were unable to decode the handwritten message from the bank robber

Bank employees cannot decipher Slattery’s handwritten letterPhoto: Jam Press / SplashNews.com

Only later, according to the police, did the other employees find out what Slattery wanted: “The pane of glass won’t protect you from what I have here. So just move the dozens and twentys. Think of the other customers,” he wrote on the piece of paper.

Unbelievable: Despite the collapse, the silly bank robber walked into two other banks in the area in the following days. In Saint Leonard, the cashier handed him the equivalent of about 2,800 euros out of fright.

But Slattery clearly didn’t have enough–and fell into the trap: After being confronted by the Hastings cashier about his slip, he left the bank again without looting. The man was finally caught in a bus driver’s testimony and surveillance videos from banks.

The police eventually found Slattery near his home. At the trial in mid-July, the pensioner pleaded guilty to theft and attempted burglary twice. He was sentenced to six years in prison (four years in prison, two years on probation).

Detective Jay Ver said, “These incidents terrified the staff and the public. I would like to thank all the victims and witnesses who supported our investigation. “He was satisfied with the sentence chosen.

Alan Slattery has plenty of time in prison to work on his handwriting

Alan Slattery has plenty of time in prison to work on his handwritingPhoto: Jam Press / SplashNews.com

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