Endometriosis: Get a fast, reliable diagnosis with a saliva test

Endometriosis: Get a fast, reliable diagnosis with a saliva test

About 10 percent of all women of childbearing age in Switzerland suffer from endometriosis. Because the disease impairs the quality of life, puts pressure on sexual life, relationships, daily work or school life and, last but not least, the psyche.

Until now, this high level of suffering has been compensated for by lengthy and sometimes complex diagnoses. On the other hand, endometriosis can also be completely asymptomatic and only detected by chance. For example, during exams in the event that the desire to have children is not realized. On the other hand, laparoscopy was previously required to obtain a reliable diagnosis, that is, surgical intervention with potential classic risks.

In the future, a new type of saliva diagnostic test will save women with prolonged distress. Endotest® can reduce the average time to diagnosis from several years to a few days thanks to the following advantages:

  • Rapid and non-invasive diagnosis
  • high reliability
  • All types of endometriosis can be detected.

Important to know: Endotest® represents a major advance in the diagnosis of endometriosis, but it does not replace the diagnostic imaging and laparoscopy that are still required in some cases. MRI and ultrasound are still indispensable for the description of tissue damage that has occurred, its localization and classification relative to prognosis.


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