Home Top News Earthquake in Crete today: The largest Greek island hit by marine earthquakes – is there a risk of a tsunami?

Earthquake in Crete today: The largest Greek island hit by marine earthquakes – is there a risk of a tsunami?

Earthquake in Crete today: The largest Greek island hit by marine earthquakes – is there a risk of a tsunami?

  • This was the third time in a very short time Crete from U.S Earthquake shocked
  • Two weeks after a violent earthquake occurred in Crete on the 12th of October. else earthquake The Greek holiday island he met
  • Moreover Today again – on Tuesday October 19
  • People in villages on the Turkish coast were also affected by the storm earthquake stunned
  • how the current situation?

Greece earthquake today: Crete hit by sea earthquakes

His last Greek earthquake Crete And sweeteners Taken the southwest coast of Turkey. who – which 6.1 magnitude earthquake day event Tuesday morning. as it seems from Institute of Geodynamics in Athens It appears that the earthquake must have occurred around 8:30 am (local time). The Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics It gives a magnitude of 5.9 for the earthquake.

Where was the epicenter of the marine earthquake off the island of Crete and Karpathos ?

who – which epicenter It was about 130 kilometers southeast of islands such as Crete And Karpathos removed in more. The Turkish Civil Protection Agency, reported, reported a distance of 155 kilometers from the Turkish point coast. At first, nothing was known about the damage.

According to the Athens Geodynamic Institute, the epicenter is 544 kilometers from Athens, 127 kilometers from Karpathos, and 805 kilometers from Thessaloniki.

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Greece earthquake today: At the moment there is no tsunami danger on Crete

The Greek seismologist Euthymios Lykas concluded ruin From: earthquake Middle Eastern They occurred at a great depth of 58.5 kilometers, so too There is no danger of a tsunami He is there, he told Greek newspaper To Proto Thema on Tuesday morning. However, the earthquake confirms that seismic activity is currently increasing in this region.

Where are the earthquake zones in Baden-Württemberg and what do the magnitude and Richter scale mean?

Crete earthquake video: There are recordings on Twitter

There is a video on Twitter that shows a store this store Earthquake in Crete affected. You can see things falling off the shelves:

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Turkey earthquake today: earthquakes hit places on the Turkish coast

Not only Greek island CreteBut also parts of Turkey are dated from the youngest Earthquake affected. The Turkish Civil Protection Agency reported, 155 kilometers from the Turkish coast. At first nothing was known about the damage earthquake in a Turkey Provides the following article:

The coastal cities are currently shaken by a weak earthquake

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake off Crete a week ago

First last week He was Squick The Its magnitude is 6.3 Richter near the island of Crete The astonished people were 400 kilometers from the Greek capital Athens feel. Three weeks ago, a person was killed in a similarly powerful earthquake in Crete.

Earthquakes in Europe and the world: where was the last earthquake?

  • a Earthquake The force 4.8 It was on Sunday evening, 17.10.21, Albania Many people are shocked and terrified. According to the ESMC Seismological Center, the epicenter was about 55 kilometers northwest of the capital, Tirana. According to media reports, the earthquake was felt in Lisa, Shkodra and Buka. Many residents of major cities left their homes and apartments for fear of further earthquakes. There were initially no reports of damage, according to Gazeta Shqipetari newspaper.
  • The Canary Island La Palma seriously injured by one volcanic eruption: The affected area is on the Cumbre Vieja mountain range in the south no diamonds Meanwhile it was Sunday 17/21/10, again in the dozens Earthquake I was shocked. Since the tremors of up to 4.6 intensity according to the authorities continue to occur at depths of more than 30 kilometers, they are not significant. Danger According to experts, however, they indicate that volcano It will remain active for some time.
  • During an earthquake on an Indonesian holiday island Bali On Saturday, October 16, three people were killed and seven others were injured. According to the disaster agency, no further deaths were expected. The starting point of the earthquake with force 4.8 It was located northeast of the town of Banjar Wanasari at a relatively shallow depth of ten kilometres. who – which epicenter The earthquake was far from the main tourist attractions on the island. Bali International Airport was reopened only to inbound flights on Thursday.
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