DWD warns of hurricane, thunderstorm, heavy rain

DWD warns of hurricane, thunderstorm, heavy rain

Germany will be hit by severe storms on Thursday and Friday. The German Meteorological Agency did not rule out a hurricane.

It was summer again in Germany a few days ago, but now the weather has to change. Heavy rain, thunderstorms and strong winds are expected early Thursday, according to the German Meteorological Agency (DWD). Larger hailstones may also fall. The DWD did not rule out even one hurricane. The reason is the low “Dorsen” with heavy thunderstorms from Thursday afternoon. 25 to 40 liters of rain per square meter can be received in a short period of time. The western and northwestern regions are particularly affected. The weather is expected to return to normal on Saturday, meteorologists said.

The greatest probability of heavy thunderstorms is initially from Charland to Emsland in the Far West. In the southeastern half of the country, on the other hand, it should be sunny and dry. Maximum values ​​range from 27 to 33 degrees.

According to meteorologists, the low storm will disappear on Friday night, but will continue until next Friday. Central Germany and the northern parts of the Rhineland-Palatinate are particularly affected by rain and thunderstorms. The chances of severe weather are significantly higher than the previous day, the DWD warns and reports heavy rainfall, strong winds and hail up to five centimeters.

Meteorologists have warned that the rains could last for several hours – up to 100 liters per square meter. Temperatures in the north can be as high as 25 degrees and in the south as high as 34 degrees.

Video: DPA

Hurricane: Hurricane “Avoidable”

According to experts, the weather conditions provide the possibility for a violent hurricane: according to the announcement, there are “supplies needed for a hurricane”. DWD writes that hurricanes are “inevitable” on Twitter. However, it is not possible to say when and where a hurricane will occur.

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The weather will then be gradually calmer over the weekend, presumably throughout Saturday. Rain and thunderstorms move toward the edge of the Alps. Earlier in the week there were already severe weather warnings in some parts of Germany.

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