Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeTop NewsDraisaitl shines a triple bluff against the Senators

Draisaitl shines a triple bluff against the Senators

NHL top scorer and teammate Connor MacDavid said of the goal, which Draisaitl used from an almost impossible steep angle and with the skis already clearly behind the goal line. “I put myself in a position where I could surprise the goalkeeper a little bit and fire the shot quickly for a chance,” said Drycitel.

On NBCSN, even after several iterations, commentators could hardly believe the shot and goal on Wednesday. “Most of them will never try this shot,” said trainer Dave Tibbett.

Draisaitl scored a total of four points in the eighth win in the eighth duel of the season with Senators over Tim Stützle and provisionally placed 3-2 from McDavid. Hattrick was his fifth in the National Hockey League career and his second this season in a match against the Senators, against whom he now scored 21 points, more than any other professional who has been active in the NHL against a single opponent in one season – and the ninth duel is still pending on Thursday. .

In the past five weeks of the main round matches, the Oilers, also played by Dominic Cahon, have finished second in the Canadian League. “I think we can take a few more steps. I think we are on the right track, we are on the right track, but we can simply play better as a team.” It would be a fun final stage and a good final stage of the regular season and then maybe good qualifiers. “

On the other hand, national keeper Philip Groppower had a bitter evening. Rosenheimer received the most important defeat of the season with the Colorado Avalanche in 3: 8 against the Minnesota Wild with seven goals as well in this strong season so far.

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Georgette Cole
Georgette Cole
"Typical beer advocate. Future teen idol. Unapologetic tv practitioner. Music trailblazer."

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