Sunday, February 9, 2025
HomescienceDiet and exercise in osteoporosis make bones strong - and a good...

Diet and exercise in osteoporosis make bones strong – and a good explanation is great fun!

Photo: Action Alliance Osteoporosis

In Germany, 6.3 million people suffer from osteoporosis. Only one in five of them is treated appropriately.[1]

balanced feed Exercise is a key factor in preventing or successfully treating osteoporosis. That’s why the Osteoporosis Alliance has now developed its website with many videos and expert advice: animated recipe preparations, daily meal plans and exercise videos show how women and men can effectively support their bone health. The offer is constantly updated and expanded with new articles.

Healthy recipes: Calcium and Vitamin D strengthen bones

Sufficient supply of Calcium And Vitamin D It is the cornerstone of osteoporosis treatment – both prophylactically and after the disease has already been diagnosed. Calcium works primarily to build bones and teeth, making them hard and stable. It is ingested through food. vitamin On the other hand, D is mainly formed in the skin when exposed to sunlight.

“We only take in 10 to 20 percent of our food”[2], Is learning nutrition specialist Doctor. Rita Hermann explains the successful combination of the two substances: “Calcium can perform its functions in the body only if it is provided with an adequate amount of vitamin D at the same time. It ensures that the body absorbs calcium and incorporates it into the bones.”[3] Vitamin D or calcium deficiency promotes osteoporosis or can make the disease worse.[4]And [5]

On the revised website of the Osteoporosis Alliance, Dr. Hermann clearly explains more of the links between osteoporosis and nutrition. This is how you summarize the most important risk factors Together, we remove myths or specifically lead you through a week filled with delicious, easy-to-cook dishes.

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Exercise videos: movement boosts bone metabolism

Bone is living tissue that is made up, broken down, and made of its own metabolism Owns. This is one of the reasons why so much can be achieved through targeted exercise in osteoporosis. Orthopedic and trauma surgeon Dr. Birgit Ring emphasizes this: “Exercise strengthens bones at any age and helps reduce the risk of fractures. The most important basic principles of training are: regular and long-term training, strength training before endurance training, more intense effort and fewer repetitions than many low-level repetitions ” .

In addition, balance exercises are good for avoiding falls and associated bone fractures. Sports videos show exactly what this looks like in practice. Developed in collaboration with an osteoporosis self-help group leader and experienced kinesiologist. The sports videos will be expanded at regular intervals until the end of the year to include appropriate exercises to prevent disease and support treatment.

Talking to a doctor is important

Whether it is diet or exercise, people with osteoporosis should discuss all measures with their doctor beforehand. In this way, for example, it is possible to determine the optimal level of training or whether other preparations or medical treatments are necessary in addition to natural sources of calcium and vitamin D. The new offer on the site is aimed at everyone who wants to do something for strong and healthy bones. Our advice: Discuss your risk of osteoporosis with your doctor.

Information on the osteoporosis campaign and the BONE.STARK.MACHER campaign. And about osteoporosis, as well as a brochure and various materials that can be downloaded on the site www.aktionsbü

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[1] Hadji B, Klein S, Goth H, et al. The epidemiology of osteoporosis – an orthopedic study. Routine health insurance data analysis. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2013; 110 (4): 52-57.

[2] German Nutrition Society V. Selected Questions and Answers on Vitamin D. Last accessed May 25, 2021.

[3] German Nutrition Society V. Selected Questions and Answers on Vitamin D. Last accessed May 25, 2021.

[4] Osteoporosis self-help groups Dachverband e. V. Vitamin D and osteoporosis. Last accessed May 25, 2021.

[5] German Nutrition Society V. Selected questions and answers on calcium. Last accessed May 25, 2021.


Media contact:

Osteoporosis Alliance press office
c/o Medizin & PR GmbH – Health Communications
Eupener Strasse 60, 50933 Cologne
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0221 / 77543-0

Your contacts:
Birgit Décory, Barbara Kluge and Jasmine Muller

those: Action Alliance for Osteoporosis, transmitted by aktuell news

Zoe Barker
Zoe Barker
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