Home science Covid: 4th dose of vaccine open to more than 80 years

Covid: 4th dose of vaccine open to more than 80 years

Covid: 4th dose of vaccine open to more than 80 years

Via The Associated Press

Those over 80 will be able to receive a fourth dose of the vaccine, Jan Castex announced on March 12, 2022.

Vaccination – a new syringe. On Saturday, 12 March, Prime Minister Jan Castex announced the opening of the fourth dose of the vaccine on Monday “for those over 80 who have received their booster dose for more than three months”, in the face of a slight recovery in the Covid epidemic, in an interview With Parisian.

The prime minister also said he had strongly recommended “for people who are vulnerable due to their age or disease to keep wearing masks in enclosed spaces and in large gatherings”.

Recognizing that there is currently a “recovery of cases”, Jan Castex ruled out a “change of strategy”, while most restrictions should be lifted on Monday, such as the vaccine permit.

“The scientific council, which I requested, tells us that it is above all the BA2 sub-alternate that is at the root of this recovery” of the epidemic. “It is more transmissible than the initial Omicron, but it does not look more dangerous,” he explained to Parisini, relying on the fact that “the pressure of the hospital, which remains our justice of peace, continues to decrease.”

Supporting the most vulnerable

He pleaded that “the improvement in the hospital and our high vaccination coverage leads us to continue lifting procedures”, even if some specific conditions for deregulation are not met (no development of the epidemic, fewer than 1,500 people in intensive care with Covid).

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In this context, the Prime Minister said he wanted to “support the most vulnerable people”. In this sense, “we will now open the fourth dose to those over 80 who have taken their booster dose for more than three months, and who experience a gradual loss of immunity,” he said.

On Monday, the vaccination permit, which requires vaccination against Covid to reach many places, will be lifted, even if its “healthy” version, which also works with a negative test for the virus, is preserved in health institutions in a broad sense: hospitals, nursing homes …

A mask is no longer mandatory, except for transportation, and again health institutions. This satisfaction pertains to schools, stores, and businesses in particular, which will retain the option of imposing it on their employees or not. Cinemas, restaurants or museums are no longer subject to this obligation since the end of February.

See also on The HuffPost: Vaccine: 230 thousand French received their first injection this week, a record number since September


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