Coronaviruses can survive on frozen meat products – a healing practice

Coronaviruses can survive on frozen meat products – a healing practice

Transmission of COVID-19 through meat products?

SARS-CoV-2 Seems to be able to withstand refrigerated or frozen meat products in the fridge or freezer Survive for 30 days. This could explain the COVID-19 outbreak, for example, where there was no community transmission of the disease.

In a new study, experts from Campbell University The viability of two animal coronaviruses (as an alternative to SARS-CoV-2) and lipid-coated RNA spores (phi 6) under different meat and fish storage conditions was investigated. The results were published in the journalApplied and Environmental MicrobiologyChest.

COVID-19 outbreak without community transmission

According to the team, the reason for the current investigation was that some of the COVID-19 outbreaks in Southeast Asia did not appear to be caused by human transmission. Reports from the affected communities had suggested this. Packaged Meat ProductsImported from areas with outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 that may be the source of the virus.

Contaminated meat and fish

So the researchers in their study contaminated meat from chicken, cattle, pigs, and salmon with viruses similar to SARS-CoV-2. Then the meat was processed for 30 days Refrigerated and frozen temperatures are stored.

Even if you don’t keep meat in the refrigerator for 30 days, you can store it in the freezer for a long timeThe author of the study confirms Dr.. Emily S. Billy in press release.

In fact, researchers found that viruses Despite refrigeration or freezing Over a period of up to He survived thirty days – Different time periods depending on the food product and temperature.

In general, the researchers emphasized that viruses survived for longer periods at higher concentrations, both at refrigerated and freezing temperatures. “We have found that viruses can be cultured after being frozen for a long time‘, added Dr. Billy. These are disturbing results.

According to experts, more efforts are now needed to prevent food contamination from food processing surfaces and work tools such as knives and employees’ hands. There is a need to improve insufficient disinfection prior to meat packing. (as such)

Author and source information

This text conforms to specifications in the medical literature, clinical guidelines and current studies and has been examined by medical professionals.


  • Emily S. Bailey, Marina Corsic, Marc de Supce: Persistence of coronavirus substitutions on meat and fish products during long-term storage; In: Applied and Environmental Microbiology (veröffentlicht 07.07.2022), Applied and Environmental Microbiology
  • American Society for Microbiology: Research indicates that SARS-CoV-2 can live up to a month on refrigerated or frozen meat products (veröffentlicht 11.07.2022), American Society for Microbiology

important note:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. It cannot replace a visit to the doctor.


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