Saturday, February 8, 2025
HomescienceCoronavirus vaccination can help treat Long-Covid

Coronavirus vaccination can help treat Long-Covid

Fatigue, breathing problems and many other symptoms can keep Covid-19 patients busy for weeks and months. How they can be helped has not been explained adequately. However, there is some evidence that vaccination against the Coronavirus can relieve Long Covid symptoms.

It has long been debated whether vaccination is possible Suffering from long covid Rather than harms or benefits. A current survey of nearly 900 infected people now came to a positive conclusion: Most of those infected have improved their symptoms after vaccination. Participants received at least one vaccine dose of AstraZeneca (50%), Biontech / Pfizer (40%), Moderna (8.6%) or Janssen (1%). The severity of 14 shows were questioned. According to the UK self-help organization LongCovidSOS in question, this is the largest analysis of its kind so far.

57% indicated an improvement in their symptoms, while 24% found no difference and 19% reported an improvement. Twenty-seven percent of study participants reported improvement in some symptoms and no worsening of any symptoms. Depending on symptoms, 24 percent had experiences partially better and partly worse, but on average their health increased by 20 percent. Only 3 percent reported that all of their symptoms got worse, but often only temporarily.

Crashed before Serum The picture is this: Moderna reduced symptoms by 31 percent, Biontech / Pfizer by 24.4 percent, and AstraZeneca and Janssen’s vector vaccine 23 percent each.

“This data shows that many people feel better after vaccination and only a small percentage of symptoms get worse,” sums up Ondine Sherwood of LongCovidSOS. “We hope that the results of this survey will reassure people with Long Covid that they will not hesitate to accept one of the vaccines offered.” However, whether Covid-19 vaccines really have a therapeutic effect, controlled clinical studies have yet to be investigated. It is also unclear how long the potential impact will last.

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Researchers believe that Long Covid symptoms are caused by coronaviruses or fragments still in the body – or by an immune reaction that has been upset after infection. One hypothesis is that the Covid-19 vaccine helps the body get rid of any viral residues and reorganize the immune system.

Zoe Barker
Zoe Barker
"Writer. Analyst. Avid travel maven. Devoted twitter guru. Unapologetic pop culture expert. General zombie enthusiast."

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