Home science Corona Vaccination Effectiveness: Age, gender, and body weight (BMI) affect vaccination protection

Corona Vaccination Effectiveness: Age, gender, and body weight (BMI) affect vaccination protection

Corona Vaccination Effectiveness: Age, gender, and body weight (BMI) affect vaccination protection
  • Julian Gottman

    FromJulian Gottman


Those who are very overweight develop acute corona pathway more often than people of normal weight. Defects can also appear with regard to vaccination prevention.

Italian researchers looked at the issue of influencing factors such as age, gender and body weight on the effectiveness of Corona vaccines. To do this, they had 248 healthcare workers on the seventh day After the second dose of the Biontech vaccine, blood is drawn and titrated. Titer is a measure of the amount of antibodies that can be detected in the blood after vaccination. There were significant differences according to age, gender, and body weight.

Those study participants younger than 37 did better. According to Ärzteblatt, the Italian researchers found the highest titer values ​​here at 453.5 AU / ml. In subjects aged 37 to 47 years, the titre decreased to 330.9 AU / ml, at the age of 47 to 56 years it was 239.8 AU / ml and at the age of 56 years it was only 182.4 AU / ml, so are the results of the study.

Males, the elderly and overweight: the worst combination of vaccinations against Corona

But not only age, but also gender and body weight are key factors affecting the effectiveness of the Corona vaccination. The women developed more antibodies after the vaccination Against corona viruses as well as men: the caliber was 338.5 AU / ml in women and 212.6 AU / ml in men.

Corona patients who are significantly overweight should be treated in intensive care units more than normal weight patients.

© Peter Byrne / Dr.

According to Italian researchers led by Gennaro Cilberto of the IRCCS Regina Elena National Cancer Institute in Rome, weight can also reduce graft protection significantly. People with a BMI of over 30 have a caliber of 167.0 AU / ml. For comparison: subjects of normal weight (BMI 18.5 to 24.9) had antibody concentrations of 325.8 AU / ml after vaccination. Subjects with a BMI of 25 to 29.9 achieved values ​​of 222.4 AU / ml.

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Read also: A few pounds too much? This weight makes you less likely to have deadly coronavirus cycles.

The third Corona vaccine dose for people who are very overweight?

According to Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND), it hasn’t been explained why vaccines work worse in obese people. But it is known that Obesity causes chronic inflammatory reactions in the organismThis makes the immune system less responsive to many infections. This may be a possible cause of an impaired immune response to the vaccination.

The Italian study researchers suggest Obese people Perhaps an extra dose or larger amount of vaccine is givenIf larger studies confirm that the two conventional doses of the vaccine do not lead to the production of the required amount of antibodies in the body. (GG)

To study

More sources: https://www.aerzteblatt.de/nachrichten/121753/

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Image Title List: © Peter Byrne


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