COP27 in Egypt: 302 delegates flew to the Climate Summit | Policy

COP27 in Egypt: 302 delegates flew to the Climate Summit |  Policy

You want to preserve the climate – but you’re putting extra pressure on it.

302 delegates from the federal government participated in the Global Climate Summit in Egypt in November. Among them: 94 delegates from the German Foreign Ministry, 64 from the Chancellery, 49 from the Ministry of Development, and 33 from the Ministry of Economy. This resulted in a request from female CDU Anne König (38).

The taxpayer paid no less than 1,757 overnight stays for the delegation. The government writes to you: “Since all hotel bills are not yet available, this number may increase slightly.” Moreover: arrival and departure were mostly individual. Therefore, the number of flights is unknown. Just like the overhead costs of the climate trip: Unclear.

Why did the government need so many local residents? When asked by BILD, a spokeswoman for the German Foreign Ministry pointed to the “complexity of the climate negotiations”, which covered a wide range of topics and were “conducted in parallel” on several levels. “Containing the climate crisis is a top priority for this federal government,” she stressed.

The result is that they came home in their hand luggage: bad. The Climate Damages Fund has been approved for the affected countries. But with the aim of reducing emissions and slowing global warming, there has been little success.

Many climate experts and researchers were disappointed after that. Hans-Otto Pörtner said in an interview with Tagesschau24 that the goal of 1.5 degrees is no longer achievable.

“Ministers who travel to global climate conferences with record numbers of staff are not setting an example in climate protection. The meager results of the last conference prove that it is not the case that more help, ”criticizes Koenig, the CDU politician.

The collective government’s journey: produce more carbon dioxide for less carbon dioxide emissions.


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