First Barbach, now Lacet? CDU top candidate CV and Union presidential candidate Armin Lashett are now under criticism after Greens’ presidential candidate Annalina Bairbach was accused of having discrepancies in her house. This case is similar to the misinformation in Barbag Vita. The Green politician had already mentioned misinformation about membership in companies in his application on the internet.
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Lacet Vita is also now being investigated on suspicion of misinformation. How “T-Online” CDU has been reported to have a break in the human relapse. Accordingly, he leaves his resume with a famous fake pass.
Armin Lacett is said to have resigned from his long-term teaching job at the Rhine-Westfellich Technique Hotsley Achen, when it became known in 2015 that RWTH
There is no unpaid work on the resume
However, in RWTH (1999 to 2015) this free functionality is not found in Lacet’s curriculum, as it is on the North Rhine-Westphalia State website and on the CDU website. But that’s not all: Like “T-Online” reports, there is a second flaw in Lacet’s information.
Curriculum Vide on the North Rhine-Westphalia State side and Curriculum Vitae for Application for the post of CDU President will include the information that Lashset “was a member of the Community Board of Directors for the International Award.” Charlemagne’s gift to Achen “. However, that is not correct.
Lacet resigned from the group on October 31, 2020, the company said in a D-Online request. The CDU politician is no longer listed on the Charlemagne Prize website.