Home Top News Bundesliga: Rapid progression, false start against Hartberg

Bundesliga: Rapid progression, false start against Hartberg

Bundesliga: Rapid progression, false start against Hartberg

Kurt Ross was able to look forward to winning his first match of the tournament as head coach of Hartburg. Mario Sunleitner, who said goodbye to his former employer before the match and then delivered an impeccable match, also cheered in a TSV dress. After two wins last season, the Vienna team once again suffered a defeat against the Styrion.

The Vienna team could not follow the second-half performance against Prague, and they did not really enter the match. Already in the third minute it became dangerous for the first time when goalkeeper Richard Stringer had to be up early with a stormy head. It didn’t make things better that Sergejn Grahovac had to be substituted after colliding with Tobias Caeniz in the 22nd minute with a suspected broken nose. He was replaced by Leon Schuster.

Fast forward wrong start

He quickly made a false start at the start of the Bundesliga. Hoteldorfer admitted losing 0-2 at home to Hartberg.

Hosts are rarely dangerous

Little has changed in the Vienna match at the moment, there were many bad passes on the agenda, and there were no noteworthy actions from the game. If it becomes dangerous, then according to the set pieces. After a corner kick, Erkan Kara headed the ball, but put it just wide of the goal (39th position).

In the TSV, however, the conclusion is appropriate. Maximilian Ullmann lost the ball to Jurgen Hill and through Marc-Andre Schmerbuck it fell to Tadic who finished off the penalty area with confidence. The quick tried to show a reaction, it was a brief period of urgency before the break without reward.

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More momentum after changing sides

At the break, Dietmar Koebauer brought Taxiarchis Fountas into the game, and Hütteldorfer apparently gave the order from the start. Rene Sweet fist a free kick from Grüll (50th place), David Stec stopped a shot by ex-Rieders in desperate need after Viennese previously complained in vain about an alleged handball penalty (51).

But TSV also remained dangerous and found more rooms in the counterattack. 0:2 chance was missed the wrong way. After Strebinger’s mistake in Schmerböck’s shot, the 22-year-old smashed through close range, but to everyone’s surprise she didn’t hit the empty goal (53).

Punishment comes with a decision

He stayed fast in the match, but there was still a lack of efficiency. He didn’t miss a lot from Kara’s free kick (56), Schuster’s shot over her (59). On the other hand, Tadic Rapids could not beat Strebinger from a rather sharp angle (63.). The TSV fans who traveled with them didn’t have to wait long for the second hit. Video Assistant Referee Alan Kegas referred to Manuel Schutengruber about a handball by Kevin Wier passing in the penalty area and deciding a penalty after studying television images. Tadic did not let the opportunity slip by.

“Joker” Kelvin Arase missed the call with a shot into the side netting (74), and the last attack brought nothing more. Unlike 2:1 against Sparta, Rapid couldn’t turn the game around this time. In the third competitive game of the season, there was no reason to cheer for the first time.

Game sounds

Dietmar Kohbauer (Quick coach): It was a legitimate defeat. We played in the first half at a level I don’t know from my team. I didn’t like the way. Football is a sport of fencing and running, and we were so lazy, we thought the match was already over and we won it. That’s why we punished the Hartburgers, they did the job the way you should. In the second half we tried to get back into the game, but we didn’t succeed, but at least it was possible to see the team I know. It’s a start that no coach would want, it was disappointing, especially the first half.”

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Kurt Ross (Hartberg coach): “Winning 2-0 in the first game in Rapid – what could be nicer? I am thrilled that we won what many could not have imagined. We prepared very well, watched Rapid Tuesday’s game against Sparta Prague and learned our lessons from it. The win was definitely deserved, we were the better team in the first half. Except for the last quarter of the hour, when Rapid risked everything, I wasn’t afraid they would hurt us.”

Admiral of the Bundesliga, first round


Rapid – Hartburg 0:2 (0:1)

Vienna, Allianz Stadium, 12200 spectators, SR Schüttengruber

target sequence:
0:1 Tadic (41.)
0:2 Tadic (67. / Elfmeter)

are quick: Strebinger – Stojkovic, Hoffmann, Wimmer, Ullmann (70. Auer) – Petrovich (46. Fontas), Grahovac (22. Schuster) – Schick (70. Aries), Kinsmolner, Grol – Kara

Hartberg: Swete – Stec, Sonnleitner, Luckeneder, Gollner (83rd Horvat) – Heil, Kainz (69th Erhardt) – Schmerböck (56th Niemann), Horvath (83rd Kofler), Sturm (56th Paintsil) – Tadic

Yellow Cards: None or Steak, Hill

Best: Tadic, Sonleitner, Horvath, Hill or Schuster, Grol


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