Home Top News Brazils Lula Believes BRICS is Not a Rival to G7 and G20 as Bloc Meets – Bio Prep Watch

Brazils Lula Believes BRICS is Not a Rival to G7 and G20 as Bloc Meets – Bio Prep Watch

Brazils Lula Believes BRICS is Not a Rival to G7 and G20 as Bloc Meets – Bio Prep Watch

BRICS Leaders Discuss Future of Bloc and Potential Expansion

Johannesburg – Leaders from the BRICS countries, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, gathered in Johannesburg this week to discuss the future of their bloc and the possibility of expanding its membership. The meeting, held under the theme of “BRICS: Cooperation for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development”, aimed to strengthen the alliance and counter Western dominance.

China and Russia, in particular, have been pushing for stronger ties among the BRICS nations to challenge the dominance of the United States and other Western powers. Chinese President Xi Jinping did not attend the event, but his remarks were conveyed by Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao. President Xi highlighted the importance of cooperation and called on the bloc to forge a shared future.

Brazil’s President, Lula, emphasized that the BRICS alliance is not intended to be a counterpoint to the G7 or the United States, but rather a platform for organizing itself. President Lula emphasized the need to boost the use of local currencies in trade and financial transactions to reduce dependence on the US dollar. This move seeks to enhance economic independence and shield the bloc from potential financial vulnerabilities.

However, the idea of implementing a common BRICS currency will not be discussed during this summit. Decision-making within the bloc has proven challenging due to the stark differences in views and occasional clashes among its members. China and Russia have expressed support for expanding the membership, while India remains cautious about admitting new members. Brazil, on the other hand, is concerned about diluting its influence within the bloc.

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Despite these internal challenges, over 40 countries have shown interest in joining the BRICS alliance, with nearly two dozen formally requesting admission. However, no new member countries are expected to be admitted to the bloc during this summit. The leaders will instead focus on consolidating the existing partnership and exploring areas of potential cooperation.

The BRICS alliance, composed of diverse nations ranging from powerhouse China to resource-rich South Africa, is seeking to assert its influence on the global stage. Through this summit, the leaders aim to solidify their commitments and explore ways to promote inclusive growth and sustainable development within the bloc and beyond.


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