Home Top News Bayern Munich professional Mark Roca undergoes a medical examination at Leeds United – Soccer – International

Bayern Munich professional Mark Roca undergoes a medical examination at Leeds United – Soccer – International

Bayern Munich professional Mark Roca undergoes a medical examination at Leeds United – Soccer – International

Marc Roca undergoes a medical at Leeds United Photo: © getty

MUNICH – Fri 17 June 2022, 11:00 am

Leeds head coach Jesse Marsh may soon welcome another newcomer to his rank.

And according to information from “Sky”, 25-year-old Mark Rocca is currently completing his medical examination at the English Premier League club. In Leeds, the Spaniard is said to be waiting for a contract until 2026.

The central midfielder moved from Espanyol Barcelona to Bayern Munich in 2020 for nine million euros, where he did not go beyond the role of the reserve player. In two years, he participated in only 15 matches in the German League.

Roca will be Leeds United’s third signing this summer. Prior to that, Jesse Marsh brought in Salzburg players Brenden Aronson and Rasmus Christensen.

Textquelle: © LAOLA1.at

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