AVISO Press Background Discussion “Everyday Life HIV/AIDS” November 17, 2022, 5:15 pm – Mixed


Ignorance, misinformation, and resulting biases are the most common reasons for excluding people living with HIV.

Vienna What is the current reality of life for people with HIV infection? What are the innovations in treatment and what challenges are there in everyday life? In the lead-up to World AIDS Day on December 1, 2022, a group of experts, therapists, (health) policy-makers and those affected tackled these questions at the initiative of Gilead Sciences Austria. On the topic of conversations: “Focus on treatments, prevention, and testing” and “Social stigma of HIV/AIDS” as well as statements on the topic “Older people with HIV/AIDS”, a wide range of people’s daily lives with infection and their environment covered.

The results of the topic talks will be presented to the media as part of the background discussion:

I am the platform (in alphabetical order):

  • mag. Andrea Brunner (Managing Director Idshelvi Vienna)
  • Andreas HassMBA (Obmann ÖGK)
  • Willtrout by Stefan (President of the PULSHIV Association; patient)
  • Mr. Dr. Burning to (internal medicine and infectious diseases specialist; practitioner)

Moderation: Mag. Hans Scratches, Berry Collection

Optional: Share via Zoom meeting (link will be provided after registration).

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Event details Discussion of the background press “Everyday life with HIV/AIDS”

predicate: 11/17/2022, 5:15 PM – 6:00 PM

Ort: Servitengasse
Servitengasse 10/16, 1090 Vienna, Austria

Questions and contact:

Questions and contact:
Raynald Edel, MBA
Public Relations Consultant
Weldon Advertising and Public Relations Limited Company
Lazarettgasse 19 / OG 4
1090 Vienna
(T) 01/402 13 41-40


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