“Attacks on the FBI must stop.”

“Attacks on the FBI must stop.”

DrHe was the former US Vice President Mike Pence He called for an end to attacks on the FBI after a search of former President Donald Trump’s home. “These attacks on the FBI must stop,” Pence said during a speech in New Hampshire on Wednesday. Claims to cut funds to the FBI and other police institutions are false.

At the same time, he again raised doubts about the judiciary. The American people need to be assured of the integrity of our judicial system. And the mere emergence of politics playing a role in decisions in the Department of Justice requires more transparency than ever before.”

The Minister of Justice was not enlightened enough

Pence said he was “deeply upset” when he learned of the inspection. Minister of Justice Merrick Garland You haven’t yet done an “enough” tutorial. “I also want to remind my fellow Republicans that we can hold the attorney general accountable for his decision without attacking FBI law enforcement,” Pence said.

CNN reported over the weekend that it had been investigating since the mission in Florida FBI An “unprecedented” number of threats against personnel and property of the Federal Police.

The FBI was, while searching for Trump Property was found in the US state of Florida and confiscated, among other things, sets of documents classified as top secret. Pence had recently distanced himself from Trump — but jumped in after the research.


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