ANSM warns against secret injections of hyaluronic acid

ANSM warns against secret injections of hyaluronic acid

Image Alliance via Getty Images

ANSM warns against secret injections of hyaluronic acid (photo of syringes used to inject hyaluronic acids taken on October 13, 2021 in Berlin by Jens Kalaene / picture alliance via Getty Images)

Health – from a dream of beauty to a nightmare of necrosis. On Monday, July 11th, doctors warned that injections of hyaluronic acid, an act of aesthetic medicine that can lead to dangerous side effects, should be done by doctors, worried about a growing number of problems after unauthorized procedures.

The National Agency for the Safety of Medicines (ANSM) warns that “these practices by non-physicians are dangerous and prohibited”.

Hyaluronic acid is a gel that cosmetologists use in particular to reduce wrinkles. But these injections are also illegally practiced by unauthorized people, a phenomenon that has recently gained momentum.

Necrosis, abscesses and generalized infections

Significantly at the beginning of the year, AFP collected a series of testimonies from patients who had experienced severe consequences for poorly performing actions, such as localized abscesses or general infections.

“These adverse effects, which can amount to serious infection or skin necrosis, are mainly related to incompatible practices, such as non-compliance with hygiene conditions or poor injection performance,” stresses “ANSM”.

Complications can also occur due to the questionable quality of the acid used, and the agency states that it is essential to be able to guarantee the traceability of the product.

In terms of numbers, ANSM, since the beginning of the year, has reported about forty reports of side effects associated with hyaluronic acid injections by unauthorized persons.

“Physicians know how to manage immediate adverse effects such as sensitivity to the injected product — anaphylactic shock — or necrosis or ischemia — vascular obstruction — with appropriate medical treatment,” states ANSM.

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