America warns of a Russian spy ship off Hawaii: “sensitive timing” | Policy

America warns of a Russian spy ship off Hawaii: “sensitive timing” |  Policy

Hot tensions in the Pacific!

The US Coast Guard has been tracking a suspected Russian military vessel in the waters off Hawaii for weeks.

The Coast Guard said it believed the ship was traveling in the exclusive economic zone of the United States for espionage purposes. The message of the statement: We have our eyes on your army, Putin!

“I can’t say why the Russians are letting the ship sail now,” a US Department of Defense spokeswoman said on Thursday. It’s a “sensitive time.”

It added that the boat was in international waters. So far, no dangerous or unprofessional behavior has been observed, the spokeswoman said.

They are said to be a spy in the Pacific: the ship's workers

They are said to be a spy in the Pacific: the ship’s workers

Photo: US Coast Guard

The US Coast Guard said that foreign military vessels are allowed to transit the exclusive economic zone in accordance with international standards.

However, foreign military vessels are often present and operating in the Pacific region in particular. The Coast Guard said all vessels in the area are routinely monitored.

This is not the first time that a suspected Russian spy ship has sailed off the US coast. In 2019, a Russian ship was seen off the southeastern coast of the United States operating in an “unsafe manner,” two US officials told CNN. (rgz, dpa)


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