Home Top News After a guilty verdict in George Floyd’s trial: Police shot African Americans again – News Overseas

After a guilty verdict in George Floyd’s trial: Police shot African Americans again – News Overseas

After a guilty verdict in George Floyd’s trial: Police shot African Americans again – News Overseas

Only one day after the conviction of the murderous cop Chauvin!

In the United States, another African American was shot dead during a police operation. The accident occurred in the small town of Elizabeth City, North Carolina.

▶ ︎ Officials have carried out a search warrant, Pascotank County Mayor Tommy Wooten said, Wednesday afternoon (local time).

▶ It was the hunt for the future victim, Andrew Brown Jr. However, Sharif did not provide details of what happened or the reason for the search warrant against Brown.

According to media reports, the unarmed 40-year-old was said to have climbed into his car during the search and wanted to get away. Family members said there was gunfire.

The accident is now being investigated by the relevant state authority (SBI). Wooten said the officer who fired the shots is on leave until further notice. The public prosecutor promised to conduct a thorough investigation.

The new death of an African American at the hands of police in the United States occurred just one day after the conviction of former white police officer Derek Chauvin in the murder of African American George Floyd in Minnesota.

▶ ︎ The killing of the defenseless 46-year-old nearly a year ago led to mass protests against racism and police violence in the United States.

Also Tuesday afternoon, an Ohio police officer shot and killed a 16-year-old black woman who was armed with a knife, according to a video clip.

Shocking and sad stats: Last year alone, 243 African Americans were shot dead by police in the United States, according to a database from The Washington Post.

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