Intervallfasten bietet keine Vorteile in puncto Fettabbau

Alternate day intermittent fasting offers fewer benefits in terms of fat loss than similar benefits The “traditional” dietRestricts daily energy consumption. This is evidenced by a new 3-week randomized study with 36 participants published on June 16, 2021 in the journal Translational Medicine Sciences has been published.

Intermittent fasting for an alternate day (every day and fasting the next day)

The study, which is one of the first to examine the effects of fasting and daily energy restriction in thin individuals, indicates that alternative fasting does not provide fasting-specific health or metabolic benefits compared to a standard daily diet. However, the authors note that longer studies with larger groups are needed.

Intermittent fasting, which alternates between voluntary fasting and non-fasting days, has become one of the most popular ways to lose weight. exist Many different intermittent fasting plans, from part-day fasting to the popular 5:2 diet (eating 5 days a week and fasting 2 days) to alternating day fasting (eating one day, fasting the next).

Several participants reported that intermittent fasting methods are relatively easy to implement and follow, and theories suggest that fasting can lead to positive metabolic changes that promote weight loss. However, few studies have examined the fasting-specific effects of intermittent fasting or compared it to diets that simply reduce daily net calories.

Intermittent fasting does not offer any benefits for fat loss

Ian Templeman and colleagues recruited 36 lean participants and divided them into 3 groups of 12 who followed different diets for 3 weeks.

  • The first group followed a restricted fasting alternating diet – eating only 150% of their normal daily energy intake every other day (0:150)
  • The placebo group followed a non-fasting energy-modified diet with 75% of their daily energy intake (75:75).
  • The last group followed an intermittent fasting diet for an alternate day without restricting energy intake (200% of energy intake each day; 0:200).
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After 3 weeks, the placebo group showed the greatest weight and fat loss with an average fat loss of 1.57 kg. Meanwhile, the first group lost weight, but less effective fat (0.74 kg on average), and the last group showed no significant weight or fat loss.

To lose weight, you need to reduce your daily calories

Other studies showed that there were no significant differences in heart and metabolic health, metabolic molecules, or gene expression in fat cells between the three groups.

Templeman and others. He noted that the groups who practiced intermittent fasting for an alternate day tended to be less active than they were before the diet began, suggesting a factor that may have influenced fat loss. The authors speculate that people considering alternative fasting should be careful to schedule some physical activity to maintain their energy expenditure.

Translational Medicine Sciences (June 16, 2021); A randomized controlled trial to isolate the effects of fasting and energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic health in lean adults, Iain Templeman et. The.

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Zoe Barker
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