“Who will be a millionaire?”: Candidate Gunter Gauch predicts his sign – this thing makes him skeptical
at the moment, “Who will be a millionaire– Moderator Günther Jauch from some RTL program, due to the 64-year-old being infected with the Coronavirus. However, Jauch in the current episode of “Who will be a millionaire“Because the format is usually produced a few weeks in advance.
There the mediator welcomes:Who will be a millionaire?r “- a candidate particularly interested in astrology. Günther Jauch even receives your personal annual horoscope from the participant.
The candidate was able to inform the mediator about his coronavirus disease during filming.Who will be a millionaireBut do not expect.
“Who will be a millionaire?” Candidate explains that Gunther Gaucher is sensitive
As the editor of a women’s magazine, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Candidate Susan from Hamburg deals regularly with astrology and self-discovery.
Therefore, the Hamburg native prepared well for her participation in “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” and the associated meeting with Gunter Gauch.
This is “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?”:
- RTL contest program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” It’s been shown on TV since 1999
- The show is moderated by Gunter Gauch
- “Wer wird Millionär?” It’s the German version of the British show Who Wants to be a Millionaire.
- Each candidate has a chance to win € 1 million – provided they land on the required test chair after the selection round
- If this is the case, he will be asked up to 15 general knowledge questions
- The player is given four possible answers for each question
- Registration is possible online
In front of the cameras, Susan predicts the director of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire about his annual sign, of which she appears to be very convinced.
With Cancer, Aries, Gunter Gauch is a very sensitive person who should definitely pay attention to his body and bio-rhythm next year, says Susan on the RTL pageant show.
Eat warm lunchtime, skip juices and eat cooked veggies instead of raw veggies – the 64-year-old should absolutely adhere to this.
“Who Will Be a Millionaire?”: Gunter Josh reacts with suspicion
The supervisor patiently listens to his candidate’s prophecy and even writes down the necessary dietary rules.
+++ “Who will be a millionaire?” (RTL): The candidate is angry at the director – “Stop, folks!” +++
But Gunter Gauch cannot fully trust your sign. One thing that makes him completely skeptical.
“Seriously – who would say of themselves that they are insensitive?” Jauch faces “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” candidate Susan.
More on “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” (RTL):
“Yes…”, even the astrology fanatics no longer have a better answer and stutter a little.
“Well let’s not get distracted and keep asking questions,” Gauch decides when he notices the embarrassing uncertainty of his candidate.
Recently, the moderator of “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” got angry at Gunther Gauch a little and made a clear advertisement for a candidate. <<< Here you can learn more about it (MKX)
Mondays show “Wer wird Millionär” starts at 8.15 pm on RTL. Did you miss the episode? Then you can watch it again on TVnow.