A dwarf state in the middle of the United States – 36 inhabitants, 1 ruler

Haven’t you heard of Molossia? No wonder a small state of fiction is the creation of one man – the sole ruler of more than 36 souls.

In a remote corner of Nevada, just east of the capital, Carson City, a completely alien micronation berates those in their right mind. Its name: Republic of Molossia. Led by its self-proclaimed president, Kevin Bowe, this tiny country is nothing more than a colorful fantasy world. But every now and then he makes a name for himself.

Molossia was created more than four decades ago. Then 14-year-old Kevin Poe founded Republic in his backyard. 36 of his relatives are his subjects today. With an area of ​​6.7 hectares, Molossia is little more than a small spot on the map. It is surrounded by the United States and has no political or economic influence. Of course, only Baugh and his comrades-in-arms truly believe in being a separate nation.

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Visitors to Molossia must register in advance. (Quell: Brian Kahn)

Molossia’s government consisted of Pau himself as president and a handful of willing supporters responsible for “ruling” the country. It is said that the political system is based on direct democracy. In fact, Baugh has absolute control over all decisions and “rules” as a dictator.

Molossia’s currency, Valora, is nothing more than a token. It has no value outside of Baugh’s imagination and is not recognized by any other country or financial institution. The so-called Molossia Army consists of Baugh and a few volunteers who deal with imaginary threats.

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Passport control in Molossia. (Quell: Brian Kahn)

Of course, Molossia is still attractive to visitors and tourists. There are “national parks” in the form of flower beds and “space programs” with toy rockets to marvel at. Even stamps in the passport are allowed as a souvenir upon entry.

However, travelers to Molossia have to accept a few rules: A visit to the tiny country must be registered by email. The maximum visit time is three hours, with one hour being given enough to see all the sights. Overnight stays are not possible, and there are no accommodations for tourists.

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Hannibal Mcgee
"Food trailblazer. Coffee geek. Friendly alcohol enthusiast. Hardcore reader. Proud troublemaker. Pop culture advocate."


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