India overtakes China as the largest country in the world

India overtakes China as the largest country in the world

Big Rush: It’s not just crowded on platforms in India.
Bild: Mauritius

The Indian subcontinent now houses more than 1.4 billion people. Many of them are young. But this becomes a risk – if the country does not change radically.

IWhenever the greats of this world begin their conference marathon in Asia, construction walls grow in big cities. No president should see how poor people live in Bali, Bangkok, Hanoi or Jakarta. Now fences are growing in India. Because as the organizer of the G-20, the amalgamation of the major economies, the country wants to present itself as successfully as possible on the world stage under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The spectacle of the armies of the poor of India spoiled the picture.

Christopher Hine

Business Correspondent for South Asia/Pacific based in Singapore.

These days, the “largest democracy on earth”, “the fastest growing major economy”, is gaining another super advantage: with a population of 1.4 billion, India has overtaken China and is now also the most populous country on earth. No one knows exactly when the baby that will make India the largest country in the world will see the light of day.

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