Lose weight by following your daily diet for five days

Lose weight by following your daily diet for five days
  1. Fulda newspaper
  2. advisor
  3. health


iPhone: Judith Brown

If you want to lose weight, it is best to start the day with simple and healthy habits. This is how weight loss works.

Just eat healthy and exercise in the gym every day? If you want to lose a few pounds, you usually stick to a strict plan. However it should Weight loss It is not always associated with effort. With the help of the so-called “Japan trick”, for example, it is almost possible to get rid of extra pounds. In addition, play simple Morning routine for weight loss important role.

Lose weight: Five morning routines that help shed pounds

woman in the kitchen
A high-protein breakfast supports your weight loss success because it keeps you full for longer. © Westend61 / IMAGO

With the following 5 morning routines, not only do you start your day off right, but you can also lose weight in the long run and avoid the yo-yo effect.

1. Morning Routine for Weight Loss: Make sure you get enough sleep

sleep well Not only does it have a positive impact on their health and well-being, but also on their good weight. If you sleep enough, you can make it better and keep it at last. In turn, persistent lack of sleep can lead to food cravings and prevent weight loss or even weight gain.

2. Morning routine for weight loss: Leave fresh air and light in the apartment

When you wake up, open your windows to let fresh air and sunlight into your home. Because sunlight provides vitamin D. If we do not get enough of it, this can have a negative effect on our weight and promote weight gain.

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3. Morning Routine for Weight Loss: Eat the right breakfast

One of the scientists said that the correct diet plays a major role on the way to the desired weight, while sports hardly help in losing weight. However, it is important to start with one in the morning A perfect breakfast to start with. Above all, this should contain a lot of protein, because proteins keep you full for longer and thus prevent food cravings. Therefore, use quark or yogurt as ideal sources of protein in the morning and avoid foods high in fat or carbohydrates.

Express-Tipp: Protein porridge

According to surveys, “no time” is the most common reason for an unhealthy breakfast. The only thing that helps is finding a smart alternative. protein porridge (promotional link) Ready in seconds. In addition to a subtle vanilla scent, it delivers nearly 20 grams of protein per portion.

4. Morning Routine for Weight Loss: Build small exercise units into your daily life

It doesn’t have to be exercise if you want to lose weight. However, you must make sure that you get enough exercise in your daily life. In the morning, for example, it’s nice to walk to work or hop on a bike. If you work from home, you can take a brisk walk during your lunch break. Also, get in the habit of always taking the stairs instead of the elevator. In this way you burn a few more calories and, above all, stimulate your metabolism.

5. Morning Routine for Weight Loss: Prepare healthy snacks

Use your morning hours and prepare healthy food for the day. For example, you can pre-cook or pre-cook some snacks to save time. For example, take vegetable sticks, apples, and nuts with you to work. Later, after work, you can also enjoy a TV evening with healthy snack alternatives.

This article only contains general information on the relevant health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It does not in any way replace a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editors are not permitted to answer individual questions about clinical images.

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