Cabaret artist Maren Groimann loves aging and her wrinkles

Cabaret artist Maren Groimann loves aging and her wrinkles

Maren Groiman likes her age. A cabaret artist and award-winning actress, she is 72 years old and feels terrible when her facial wrinkles are recreated in photographs. He says this in an interview with Apotheken-Umschau on Tuesday.

When she hit puberty she realized: “I wanted to wear short skirts again, like when I was a young woman.” It’s a sense of freedom. In an interview, Groiman says she’s happy that equal rights are becoming more and more popular in society — with #Metoo, discussions about equal pay and equal representation in companies. Times have changed for the better. “In the 1990s, especially men my age saw everything as too brutal: too feminist, too critical, too intellectual,” says Croyman.

You can see her age in the photos and she doesn’t want any cosmetic surgery. “Botox is a neurotoxin and I don’t want it on my face. I still need to control my facial features. The wrinkles on my forehead are welcome, and I’m 72,” says Croiman.

The actress came out as a lesbian 30 years ago. Since then, she has also received awards for her political commitment to lesbian women Augsburg Heymann Prize.

Croiman says lesbian women feel less pressure to look young as they age. After all, she doesn’t have to attract men with her looks. “For both gay men and straight women, aging is hard,” says Croiman. “As a woman who likes women, I can age because there are many women who like older women. Although I couldn’t have known it when I fell in love with a woman in my early 40s, it was a huge endorsement.”

Maren Groiman: Old age is good for learning new things

According to Groiman, in his stage show “In My Sixties” he deals with themes of first sexual desire, “light desire, hope for freedom from the rigid, rigid moral ideas of his parents’ generation – songs. The Swinging Sixties promised a life that was more colorful, wild and beautiful.” He writes on the website.

The 72-year-old has no problems with old age.

She always spent a lot of time in nature and went jogging a lot. Now she goes swimming because it’s good for her knees. She taught herself how to crawl: “I have staying power, I am tenacious and tenacious. And old age is the best time to learn something new.

In July, Groiman will launch a podcast about aging.

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Eric Daniel
"Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Bacon ninja. Music specialist. Twitter nerd."

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