Scammers on the go: How to spot a scam email – video

Have you received an email asking you to enter your user data on a website? Before actually doing that, you should make sure that it is not a phishing email. We’ll explain how you can learn about this.

Phishing emails are fake emails that want to get your user data under false pretense. They often look deceptively real. However, you have the opportunity to unmask the fake game.

Check the sender carefully

The email can pretend to come from one of your service providers, but the sender itself is often incorrect. Take a look at the sender’s details to verify. If the email address does not end with the official one, such as or, then most likely you have encountered a phishing email. But be warned: scammers can now also forge such addresses.

You will often find errors in the content

You should pay special attention to spelling errors or foreign language. Andrede can also cheat as a scam. The letter should address your name directly. If the email starts with “Dear User” or something similar, you should be careful here as well. Asking to disclose your personal data and password is also an advantage, because reputable companies will not ask you to do so by email.

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