Thursday, January 2, 2025
HomescienceHealth statement: Senate plans to impose 'review clause'

Health statement: Senate plans to impose ‘review clause’

“Be sure to give a blank check” until summer. The Senate, which is dominated by the right-wing opposition, is preparing to introduce a “review clause” Thursday into the bill including the controversial health permit. This will require the government’s return to Parliament before the end of February. Because ofThe text defended by the government aims to extend the period beyond November 15 The possibility of using the Health Permit to reduce the Covid-19 epidemic until July 31, 2022.

Delay hardly satisfies senators. The text was adopted on first reading last week in the National Assembly, and the text arrives Thursday in Senate circulation. Senate President Gerard Larcher insists that “it is indisputable to give a blank check until July 31, 2022, which must be under the control of Parliament”.

“Eight and a half months is too much”

Senators largely rewrote the text in the committee and adopted Rapporteur Philip Bass (LR)’s proposal to extend the clauses only until February 28. It is up to the government to return to Parliament to continue beyond, if the health situation requires it. In the view of the rapporteur, “three and a half months is okay, and eight and a half months is too much.” A state of mind generally common among Senators.

The government tells us We will pass the presidential election and pass again in front of Parliament. No. “We give the government a certain number of powers over our liberties, and we want to control Parliament,” said Senate leader LR Bruno Ritao.

“Mild but delicate recovery”

The issue of health clearance is still debated. The rapporteur suggests that it can no longer be used in departments where more than 75% of the population will be vaccinated by November 15. Health Minister Olivier Veran believes he does not have “sufficient perspective at this point” to be able to “deprive himself of a functional tool so acceptable to the people”. “That doesn’t mean we want to maintain it over time,” he told senators Tuesday.

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As everywhere in Europe, the epidemic is experiencing a revival in France, at the beginning of the cold season. Government spokesman Gabriel Attal confirmed Wednesday a “slight but sensitive recovery”, with an average of 5,400 cases detected per day, but estimated that France could hope for a “relatively calm winter” thanks to the vaccination rate.

The Senate should also remove the controversial provision that an amendment to the National Assembly introduced to allow the status of students to be vaccinated by school administrators. Once the text is voted on in the Senate, Representatives and senators will try to agree on a joint version on a joint committee. In the event of failure, it will be the last word of the National Assembly.

Zoe Barker
Zoe Barker
"Writer. Analyst. Avid travel maven. Devoted twitter guru. Unapologetic pop culture expert. General zombie enthusiast."

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