Home science 8 million new vaccination slots, the government announces

8 million new vaccination slots, the government announces

8 million new vaccination slots, the government announces

What we have seen in recent days may be the beginning of a slowdown in the development of the epidemic“A statement made by Gabriel Attal this morning on France Inter. The day after the announcement of the new executive measures to deal with the fifth wave of the Covid-19 virus, the government spokesperson hopes to see them.”The beginning of the results of the efforts made by the French for more than weeks in the face of this fifth wave“But be warned that we have”Definitely not beyond the peak“.

Warn us will save holidays“The fate of Gabriel Atal.”We will pass the holidays, to spend Christmas together, because we have been very vigilant and cautious in recent weeks and will continue to do so.“, he added.

8 million additional fortification slots

At its press conference, the government once again stressed the importance of vaccination and announced that people over 65 years of age will be able to get vaccinated without an appointment.”Whatever the center“.

As the French struggle to find hard-to-find outlets, Gabriel Attal noted that at this point, “There are 7 million French who have set a date for the recall by the end of December. We will add 8 million slots, which means that 15 million French will be able to be vaccinated by the end of December. The end of December (…) the slots will continue to increase on platforms‘, he confirmed.

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“Those who wish I tell them to go to the podiums, they will have an appointment before January 15th,” Promise Gabriel Atal.

Forcing the financial support of nightclubs to close

Among the latest measures taken by the government is the closure of nightclubs for the next four weeks, starting on Friday. “It is clear that there will be enormous financial support in the face of this shutdown“The institutions have promised Gabriel Atal. The date has been set for Tuesday. It is planned.”In the middle of the day with the Ministers of Bercy, Bruno Le Maire, Alain Griset, specifically to discuss with their representatives so that there is supportHe explained.

The decision irritates the owners of nightclubs. Gabriel Attal said:Understand the disappointment“.nearly 1,200 nightclubs in France will have to close.”Responsibility, we made this decisionThe government spokesperson confirmed, while noting that other European countries have taken the same decision while they are also facing a fifth wave.

In nightclubs,We know there are much greater risks of contamination. A recent ComCor study from the Pasteur Institute shows that for two people, one who went to a nightclub and the other did not, there is an eight times greater risk of contracting the virus.“, It is to explain.

There are no explosions at school, according to Jean-Michel Blanquer

The day before, Prime Minister Jan Castex announced the transition to the third phase of the primary school health protocol from Thursday. A guest on RTL Tuesday morning, Jean-Michel Blanquer felt we couldn’t talk about “”Explosion“Covid-19 cases in school. Minister of National Education instead confirms sharp increase”Number of tests for childrenFrom Thursday, mask wearing will be required in stadiums. Team sports will be restricted from Monday. Fermentation should also be limited to the canteen.

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We can’t say there is an explosion (of the epidemic in children, editor’s note), the word is very strong, there is an incidence rate that is increasingJean-Michel Blanquer qualified.What exploded was the number of tests that were given to children (…]Before the Halloween holiday, there were three times fewer tests in children than in adults‘, select the minister.

Asked about the possibility of extending the holiday, in the event of an outbreak of cases, Jean-Michel Blanquer said he did not rule out any hypothesis. “We always have all the assumptions on the table. We have been pragmatic from the start. This hypothesis, we can always imagine but it is not the preferred hypothesis“, He said.


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