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What is clove oil?

Clove oil is made from the dried stems, flowers, and buds of cloves native to Southeast Asia. The precious essential oil is extracted from dried cloves using a special steam distillation process. And this oil is not only aromatic. Because in addition to its spicy aroma, sweet and spicy taste, the oil primarily contains ingredients that give us unexpected health support.

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The main component of clove oil is eugenol, which can have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anesthetic and antibacterial effects. The substance is also found in basil, laurel, and allspice, but at 95 percent it is the most important component of clove oil. Here we reveal what clove oil can be used for besides flavoring.

3 ways to apply clove oil

Clove oil for toothache

Clove oil is an effective home remedy for toothache, gingivitis and mouth pain. Diluted as a mouthwash or as a diluted application for the topical treatment of inflammation, it can be effective against thrush and sometimes prevents the development of tooth decay. A number of studies have examined the effectiveness of clove oil as a home remedy for teeth. in 2016 study Researchers have found that clove oil works better against stomatitis than other natural home remedies such as tea tree oil, ginger extracts, eucalyptus oil, or green tea. Clove oil also has an anesthetic effect, so it can help relieve toothache. Researchers found in one 2006 تحقيق investigation It was found that clove oil appears to have the same analgesic and anesthetic effects as the active ingredient benzocaine, which is commonly found in ointments used to locally numb mucous membranes.

Protection against mosquitoes and insects

Clove essential oil is a real horror for insects due to its intense smell. In fact, a bowl of diluted clove oil strategically placed in front of a window can deter mosquitoes and other unwelcome insects from entering uninvited. You can also mix a drop of clove essential oil with the skin care cream of your choice and apply it to the skin. This keeps mosquitoes away in the open air and protects you from itchy bites. If you have already been stung, clove oil can be applied to the sting in diluted form due to the anesthetic effect already mentioned. This will relieve itching and prevent bacteria from inflaming the sting.

Alternative treatment for respiratory infections

Clove oil can be used in a number of ways and can sometimes be effective against cold and flu viruses due to its antibiotic components. An antibacterial and antifungal effect can also be achieved with clove oil. In a 2018 study (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6064118/), researchers noted that clove oil can be very effective for respiratory conditions when taken diluted or added to inhaled steam. It was less effective than similar antibiotics. As an alternative, natural application, clove oil can be particularly useful when it comes to avoiding the emergence of multi-resistant pathogens.


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