10 minute breakfast pizza with oatmeal and banana

Low calories and very tasty!

Breakfast pizza with fruits and yoghurt |  © Getty Images / nata_vkusidey

Breakfast Pizza with Fewer Calories: Super tasty and crunchy!

© Getty Images / nata_vkusidey

Pizza for breakfast? What looks like a hangover meal is currently trending on social media as a healthy morning food that’s also perfect for weight loss. We reveal how to make a delicious breakfast pizza from oatmeal and bananas.

It was banana bread yesterday. Today we like to make a healthy breakfast pizza out of ripe bananas, which the little ones love too, by the way. The good thing: You only need three ingredients. Oatmeal pizza is especially suitable for weight loss because oat flakes and bananas keep you full for a long time and provide important fiber. This breakfast pizza contains about 204 calories per serving.

Food Trend: These Recipes Are Going Viral

  • 2 ripe bananas, 160g oats, 1 teaspoon maple syrup

  • 4 tablespoons natural yogurt

  • Fruit of your choice to topping

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees from the top and bottom.

  2. Mash bananas with a fork and combine with rolled oats and maple syrup. Form three mini pizzas from the mixture and place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper, rolling if necessary. Put it in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes

  3. Meanwhile, we cut the fruit.

  4. Take out the breakfast pizza from the oven and let it cool. Then brush it with yoghurt and pour the fruit over it.

The pizza works great with a variety of toppings!


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